Enterprise Linux Network Services (GL275)
This is an expansive course covering a wide range of network services. Attention is paid to the concepts needed to implement and troubleshoot the network services securely and to provide extensive hands-on experience. Topics include security with SELinux and Netfilter, DNS concepts and implementation with Bind, LDAP concepts and implementation using OpenLDAP, web services with Apache, FTP with vsftpd, caching, filtering proxies with Squid, SMB/CIFS (Windows® networking) with Samba, and email concepts and implementation with Postfix combined with either Dovecot or Cyrus.
4200 PLN+23% VAT (5166 PLN brutto / 1 os.)Czas trwania szkolenia:5 dni (40h)
Kod kursu:H7092S
Enterprise Linux Network Services (GL275)
Cele szkolenia
Gain the knowledge and skills required to setup, configure, and manage the most popular network services available for Red Hat and SUSE Linux systems
Effectively use networking services and security options
Understand and configure services to your specific needs
Avoid unwanted emails by configuring mail services with spam filtering
Dla kogo?
New Linux system administrators
IDC MarketScape leader 5 years running for IT education and training
Recognized by IDC for leading with global coverage, unmatched technical expertise, and targeted education consulting services
Key partnerships with industry leaders OpenStack®, VMware®, Linux®, Microsoft®, ITIL, PMI, CSA, and SUSE
Complete continuum of training delivery options—self-paced eLearning, custom education consulting, traditional classroom, video on-demand instruction, live virtual instructor-led with hands-on lab, dedicated onsite training
Simplified purchase option with HPE Training Credits
UNIX® Fundamentals (51434S) or
Linux Fundamentals (U8583S) and
Enterprise Linux Systems Administration (H7091S)
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